The of icon of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass is a true expression of Fra Angelico’s style where Ss. Joseph, Mary, John the beloved and St. Paul are re-presented at the Holy Mass. Fra Angelico’s most painted themes is the Holy Mass where Jesus Christ is on the cross in his glorified state. This icon reveals the need to live both the contemplative life of the Holy Family and the apostolic mission of the apostles. It is a reminder to all Christians to preach, “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2.2). This icon also invites us into the mystery of living Jesus Christ that we received in baptism, confirmation and in the Eucharist where we attain new hearts and a new way of life.
Rev. Dominic Bump, O.P. The Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. 2022.
Oil on gilded wood canvas panel. 7’x10′.
Prints Available.